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Autor: Tom Hutchinson

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    Tom Hutchinson
Tom Hutchinson: Project 5 Plus Studenťs Book - mezinárodní verze Tom Hutchinson: Project 5 Plus Studenťs Book - mezinárodní verze
Tom Hutchinson: Project 5 Plus Studenťs Book - mezinárodní verze

Publikace: PROJECT Fourth Edition 5 UČEBNICE – HUTCHINSON, T.. This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 4 Third Edition Student´s Book Tom Hutchinson: Project 5 Plus Studenťs Book - mezinárodní verze
Tom Hutchinson: Project 4 Third Edition Student´s Book

Tried, tested, trusted … and now even better! Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 4 Work book - Pracovní sešit Tom Hutchinson: Project 5 Plus Studenťs Book - mezinárodní verze
Tom Hutchinson: Project 4 Work book - Pracovní sešit

An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10. Key features Project brings English to life through motivating topics within a structured learning environment.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Work Book - Pracovní sešit Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Workbook without CD-ROM, 3rd (International English Version)
Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Work Book - Pracovní sešit

Tried, tested, trusted … and now even better! Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Lifelines Intermediate Student´s Book Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Workbook without CD-ROM, 3rd (International English Version)
Tom Hutchinson: Lifelines Intermediate Student´s Book

Popis edice: Jazyková úroveň:Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, IntermediatePopis:Učebnice, pracovní sešit (s klíčem nebo bez), učitelská příručka a audio kazety.Hlavní znaky:• Třídílný kurz pro středoškolskou mládež a dospělé, alternativa např. k učebnici Hea

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Workbook without CD-ROM, 3rd (International English Version) Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Workbook without CD-ROM, 3rd (International English Version)
Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Workbook without CD-ROM, 3rd (International English Version)

Tried, tested, trusted … and now even better! Overview Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version) Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version)
Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version)

This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 Third Edition Student's Book Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version)
Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 Third Edition Student's Book

Tried, tested, trusted … and now even better! Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 - Student´s book Tom Hutchinson: Project 1 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version)
Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 - Student´s book

PROJECT je pětidílná učebnice angličtiny, jejíž první díl je určen pro začátečníky. Zajímavá témata, se kterými učebnice pracuje, motivují studenty k aktivnímu používání angličtiny. Základní rysy učebnice tvoří: .

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version) Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version)
Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version)

This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 Work Book - Pracovní sešit Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version)
Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 Work Book - Pracovní sešit

Pracovní sešit k souboru Project se slovníčkem a přehledem mluvnice. Key features Project brings English to life through motivating topics within a structured learning environment.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.

Tom Hutchinson: Project 3 Third Edition Student's Book Tom Hutchinson: Project 2 Student´s Book 4th (International English Version)
Tom Hutchinson: Project 3 Third Edition Student's Book

Tried, tested, trusted … and now even better! Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers.

můžete mít 31.3. - 1.4.