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kolektiv autorů: Fun Card English: The USA Quiz kolektiv autorů: Fun Card English: The USA Quiz
kolektiv autorů: Fun Card English: The USA Quiz

This set contains 50 quiz cards about the United States of America. With this set, your students will expand their vocabulary and broaden their knowledge of the culture, geography and history of the USA.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: Present Continuous kolektiv autorů: Fun Card English: The USA Quiz
Fun Card English: Present Continuous

With this set your students will develop the skill of answering Present Continuous questions automatically. Students  have to answer questions using both affirmative and negative sentences.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: Reported Speech kolektiv autorů: Fun Card English: The USA Quiz
Fun Card English: Reported Speech

Does learning Reported Speech require doing a lot of tedious exercises? Not necessarily, with Fun Card English Reported Speech students can easily master the skill of transforming sentences.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: Modal Verbs Fun Card English: Is/Are/Was/Were
Fun Card English: Modal Verbs

Must / Mustn’t / Have to / Don’t have to / Should / Shouldn’t / Can / Can’t / Could / Couldn’t / May / May not / Might / Might not / Would like to / Wouldn’t like to.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: Is/Are/Was/Were Fun Card English: Is/Are/Was/Were
Fun Card English: Is/Are/Was/Were

A few games with this set will make your students master the use of the verb To Be in the past tense. The set is also a great exercise to distinguish whether the sentence is in present or past tense.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: Have Got Fun Card English: Is/Are/Was/Were
Fun Card English: Have Got

Thanks to this set, your students will not have any problems using the verb Have Gotin questions, affirmative and negative sentences. The set consists of 50 cards with 50 pictures and 150 sentences with gaps to complete.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: Irregular Verbs Fun Card English: My First 50 Verbs
Fun Card English: Irregular Verbs

The set consists of 50 basic irregular verbs. It can be used for learning all three forms of the verbs or to practise various tenses.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: My First 50 Verbs Fun Card English: My First 50 Verbs
Fun Card English: My First 50 Verbs

The set consists of 50 most common verbs. It can be used with students at different levels. Students at elementary level only have to say a verb aloud.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: My Next 50 Verbs Fun Card English: My First 50 Verbs
Fun Card English: My Next 50 Verbs

The set consists of 50 common verbs. It can be used with students at different levels. Students at elementary level only have to say a verb aloud.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: My Next 50 Question Fun Card English: My Next 50 Question
Fun Card English: My Next 50 Question

The set consists of 50 beginner / lower-intermediate level questions. It’s a great set to make students speak and get to know each other. To get rid of a card, players have to unscramble the question and ask it to the next player.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: Passive Voice Fun Card English: My Next 50 Question
Fun Card English: Passive Voice

Passive Voice can really be easy. You just have to spend one hour with this set. Students have to transform the sentences while playing the game. The set consists of 50 picture cards designed to practise Passive Voice with different tenses.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.

Fun Card English: Past Continuous Fun Card English: My Next 50 Question
Fun Card English: Past Continuous

“Was”, “were” and “ing” ending won’t be a problem for your students anymore. Students  have to answer questions using both affirmative and negative sentences. You can mix cards from different sets and practise a few tenses at the same time.

můžete mít 12.3. - 13.3.