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- ×VydavatelPearson Education
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC.
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
Rise and Shine is a seven-level* primary course that empowers every child to reach their potential and shine.
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
Rise and Shine is a seven-level* primary course that empowers every child to reach their potential and shine.
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
With New Snapshot you can: * Capture Students' interest and imagination though real characters and language, and up-to-the-minute teenage topics * Bring language to life * Widen students' experience of international culture through new culture pages,
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
New World culture lessons encourage the exploration of contemporary topics and develop online research skills. Language live lessons provide light-hearted contexts for practising functional language and writing.
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
Verified combination of textbook and workbook in one book with Audio CD
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
New Total English retains all the popular features of the original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections.
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
Český pracovní sešit obsahuje pokyny ke cvičením v češtině, anglicko-český slovníček s výslovností, přehled gramatiky v češtině, maturitní slovníček, databanku slovní zásoby k české maturitě rozdělenou po lekcích i podle maturitních témat, 3 maturitn
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
The Workbook contains a wide variety of practice exercises that review all the language areas studied in the Students' Book: Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises help to consolidate new language.
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
With New Snapshot you can: * Capture Students' interest and imagination though real characters and language, and up-to-the-minute teenage topics * Bring language to life * Widen students' experience of international culture through new culture pages,
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
Visually appealing and easy to use, New Sky provides short achievable lessons, clearly contextualised grammar practice and integrated skills work.
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.
Visually appealing and easy to use, New Sky provides short achievable lessons, clearly contextualised grammar practice and integrated skills work.
můžete mít 17.12. - 18.12.